Dr Youssou KASSE



Prénom: Youssou

Statut: Enseignant-chercheur

Département: Technologies de l’Information et de laCommunication

Activités Enseignements

Technologie XML

Web service

Base de données

Administration des bases de données

Algorithmiques et Programmation

Système d’information

Problématiques de recherche

Évaluation de performance des systèmes informatiques

Vérification de modèles (Model checking)

Web services

Cloud Computing

Quelques Publications

Youssou Kasse, Lynda Mokdad: Quantitative verification for response times inYoussou Kasse, Lynda Mokdad: Quantitative verification for response times incomposite Web service model. ISCC 2011: 97-102, IEEE Symposium,Kerkyra, Grece

Kasse, Youssou Mokdad, Lynda Youcef, Samir, Stochastic bounds for end-to-end delay, Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2010 IEEE Symposium,22-25 June 2010, On page(s): 1127 - 1132, Riccione, Italy

Balde, Fatoumata; Sene, Mbaye; Kasse, Youssou; Performance analysisof Web services in mobile environment using SWN and WAP protocol,Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), 2010 1st International Conference, 28-30 Oct. 2010, On page(s): 290 - 295, Solan, India.Conference, 28-30 Oct. 2010, On page(s): 290 - 295, Solan, India.

Kasse, Y. Mokdad, L. Sene, M., Performance analysis of Web servicesarchitecture, Computers and Communications, 2009. ISCC 2009. IEEESymposium, 5-8 July 2009, On page(s): 94 - 98, Sousse, Tunisia

N'guessan B. Gerard, Atiampo K. Armand, Kasse Youssou and Zohoungbogbo Similie ; MICROFINANCE MANAGEMENT MODEL: CASE OF CÔTE D'IVOIRE, International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), ISSN: 2320-5407, Page: 968-975, Published: October 2022

Birane Koundoul, Youssou Kasse, Fatoumata Balde, and Bamba Gueye ; “A Dual Ring Architecture Using Controllers for Better Load Balancing in a Fog Computing Environment”; ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2022 Published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022. All Rights Reserved A. D. Mambo et al. (Eds.): InterSol 2022, LNICST 449, pp. 144–154, 2022.

Koundoul B., Kasse Y., Balde F., Gueye B; “Leveraging Cloud Inter-zone Architecture for Response Time Reduction”; book title="Research in Computer Science and Its Applications"; publication year: “2021”;  publisher: "Springer International Publishing"; pages="87--97"; Print ISBN: “978-3-030-90555-2”; Online ISBN: "978-3-030-90556-9".

Activités Administratives

Décembre 2017- : Directeur du Centre de Ressources Informatiques de l’UADB

Mai 2017 - Novembre 2017 : Responsable de la formation LPCM

27 Janvier 2014 – 11 Mai 2014 : Chef du département TIC de l’UFR SATIC

27 Mai 2011- 2 Janvier 2014 : Chef de section TIC de l’UFR SATIC